Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cleaning Up

I spent my afternoon re-arranging my garage. I decided to do my wife a favor by moving most of my old bike junk out of the house. I'll be ordering my new much more compact press when we get our income tax return next week. I'm thrilled to have this much space to work in.

I'll be setting up my press on this table. I moved the conveyor dryer next to the table so that as soon as I print a shirt I can just turn to the left and lay it on the conveyor belt with little wasted movement.

Some of the junk I moved out to the garage. I got these shoes back in 1994, they were given to me by the guy who sold me my Quattro Assi. I wore them until just a couple of years ago when the straps delaminated. They were really comfortable.

My all-time favorite cycling cap. Who remembers Medici?

My beloved Quattro Assi. It's currently being used by my oldest child. It looks pretty good in this photo but it's got lots of chips in the paint.

TSX tubing


  1. Humm...must have been something in the air. I spent about 6 hours saturday shoveling out the front quarter of my storage container/shop. Amazing what can accumulate over a the time space of winter.


  2. I'm trying to keep the rest of my family from tossing their stuff in my new work space. Junk can stack up pretty quickly around here.

  3. LOL
    My wife and I have our own separate storage facilities. I have a shipping container that has the front 10' set up as a shop, she has a regular 40'semi trailer for her stuff. Then we have a "tractor shed" (big open sided barn)40'x80' and several outbuildings...and never enough space ;>)


  4. How do you like those mustache handle bars? Surly is a Minnesota company. Heavy duty. Spring is here, wow. If there are flowers up here, they under 2 inches of snow.

  5. These are actually Albatross bars which have some rise to them. I used inverse brake levers and placed the shifters near the stem to give me as many hand positions on the bars as possible. So far I've really enjoyed them.

    I don't know how you guys deal with the long winters up there. I'd go crazy!

  6. Oops! Sorry I meant to comment on the post above this one. Maybe you guessed that.
