A short time ago I mentioned that my oldest son had left home for the Air Force, well, about fourteen days into basic training he came down with a serious case of the flu. To make a long story short, it was explained to him that the Air Force needed to trim off six thousand new recruits for budgetary reasons. He was given a medical discharge and told to try again in six months. The problem is that while he was gone I sold his bike. To correct matters I sold my Trek 420 since it was too small for him. I had been watching a Lotus Eclair for sale on Craigslist for the past two weeks but I couldn't buy it until payday (today). Day after day I watched the price drop but luckily nobody bought it. It now has a new home.
Early eighties Lotus Eclair with a full Shimano 600 group. The one thing that I didn't notice till I got home was that there are no water bottle mounts. Next payday, if I can swing it, I'll be dropping by Trinity Bicycles to pick up that black Brooks B-17 Special that I've been eyeing. It should go nicely on this bike.

I REALLY like the way that crank is set up! As for your son, he got to try a taste of the Air Force on the "try before you buy" plan. I hope he decides it was a good decision.
ReplyDeleteThat is a beautiful bike!
ReplyDeleteI like the old 600 cranksets. I've never seen a protective ring on this group before.
ReplyDeleteMy son is frustrated with the military right now. He put aside six months of his life waiting to get in. He's making other plans at the moment.
Big Oak-Thanks. My son is pretty happy with it. Now the work starts. I'll be overhauling the hubs and bottom bracket this weekend.
ReplyDeleteI'll save that saddle for your handsome new steed.
ReplyDeletebkmckendry-Awesome! It will be mine, er...my son's.
ReplyDeleteMan, you are cornering the market on the vintage 600 stuff! Great-looking bike, and I bet it's great-riding, as well.
ReplyDeleteI usually go with the handlebar-mounted waterbottle cage with a bike like that, to avoid marring the downtube with clamps. (Plus, I like the "1940's" look that it gives the bike.)
Very cool looking crankset! I like the blue color as well. Myles, you got good taste, my friend!
ReplyDeletePeace :)